Perfect Sides to Accompany Roast Turkey

With a delicious roast turkey, you can serve a variety of side dishes. It is often served with side dishes like mashed potatoes, roasted butternut squash, and others.

Listed below are a few that go well with roast turkey.

Classic buttery mashed potatoes

Perfect Sides to Accompany Roast Turkey

Perhaps the most traditional and ideal side to a roasted turkey, this dish is a must-have at every table. Many people believe that whipped or mashed potatoes are the ideal side dish to serve with a roasted turkey.

Potatoes may be prepared quickly and easily by peeling, slicing or cubing the desired amount, boiling until cooked, and then mashing or whipping with plenty of milk, butter, salt, and pepper. The ideal side dish for a roast turkey, is simple and traditional.

Green bean casserole


Perfect Sides to Accompany Roast Turkey
Green bean casserole

The green bean casserole is another classic favourite that can be made using canned green beans, cream of mushroom soup, salt, pepper, and those fried onions you often see around the holidays in a can. All you have to do to prepare this recipe is mix the green beans with the spices and cream of mushroom soup until thoroughly combined. Then, transfer the mixture to a baking dish and top it with the fried onions. Serve hot with your holiday roast turkey.

Stuffing, or dressing

Some people call it stuffing, while others call it dressing, but they are both talking about the same thing. You can make it yourself with stale bread cubes, broth, sautéed onions and celery, and spices like thyme and sage. It’s a classic side dish for a juicy roast turkey, no matter what kind you use. Also, you can cook it by stuffing it in the turkey or putting it in a pan and cooking it with the turkey.

Sweet potato casserole

Perfect Sides to Accompany Roast Turkey
sweet potato casserole

Some people love this classic side dish, while others don’t, but it’s still a traditional dish to serve with a roast turkey in many homes. You can use fresh sweet potatoes, which you can peel, cut into cubes, and boil until soft, or you can use canned sweet potatoes that already come with thick syrup. Put the sweet potatoes in a baking dish, cover them with marshmallows, and bake them until they are nice and brown.

Cranberry sauce

Perfect Sides to Accompany Roast Turkey
cranberry saurce

Although jellied cranberry sauce in a can is widely available, many choose to prepare their own using fresh cranberries. If you’re looking for a fresh cranberry sauce to go with your turkey, try this easy and tasty recipe:


package of fresh cranberries, 1-2 oranges, 1 cup of either orange or apple juice, 1 tsp each of ground nutmeg, cinnamon, and ginger, and 1 cup of brown sugar. The amounts are flexible; use as much or as little of each spice as you desire, and use your judgement to determine how much liquid to add; it shouldn’t cover the cranberries. Combine everything in a pot and boil until the cranberries have broken down and the sugar has dissolved around 15 minutes. Check the sweetness or flavour with a tasting to determine if you need to add extra sugar or spices. With its balance of sweet and sour flavours, this dish is ideal as an accompaniment to a roast turkey.

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